

Chloe goh

…we should celebrate every small victory amidst the many failures, celebrate even one life helped amidst the many we cannot save. If we choose to focus on everything we cannot do and all the people we cannot reach, we will end up doing nothing at all and helping no one. We are limited, who can say that they are not? Cognisant of this, we will continue striving to do as much good as we possibly can. I believe that Project Sothea encapsulates this mentality, reminding us that even if we cannot change the world, we must continue to do ー “small things with great love”.

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Chen Wei

Small things with great love. I never quite understood what that meant until I completed my first ever OCIP trip with Project Sothea. We spent many sleepless nights formulating proposals for fundraisers, working out the flow for health screening, and creating new materials for health education etc. One week before the trip, all the Year 1s were extremely excited to witness our plans come into fruition. We were determined to make a difference.


Chloe Tan

…it was the patients’ backgrounds that struck me the most — the journey they took to travel to our health screening, how many hours they waited in line to see the doctor, and how uncertain they were about their health conditions. Even so, the villagers waited patiently, with hopes that the doctor would have the answers to their health. The faith and belief that these villages have in our project constantly inspires me to work even harder to help them. It was also during health screening that I discovered the true meaning of our motto “small things with great love”…